Home > folio


Folio is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

portfolio site with a focus on tools

The folio.

This is a little site for your portfolio. It tracks the things I think are important to show off. Specifically, it tracks the tools that you use in your projects.


The way that you learn how to use a particular language, framework, or library is by using it on a whole bunch of projects. The first time, you may not get it, but the second time, you will learn how better to use it and the third time you will be even better.

By emphasizing how often you use certain tools, you get a much better idea of what tools you use every day and what tools you should probably either think about using in your next project or scrapping altogether.


Couldn't be easier.

git clone git://github.com/chrisrhoden/folio.git my_folio
cd my_folio
git checkout -b master
echo "some_username: some_password" >> config/users.yml
bundle install
rake db:migrate
rake cucumber
rackup config.ru

This is compatible with Heroku, so go for it.


All of the configuration is located in the config/ directory in YAML files. You will probably discover that there is not much configuration. That is because you should consider writing your own little hacks. I don't think there is anything too crazy going on in the code, but that is just me and if I am wrong go ahead and shoot me a message.


Fork on github, commit changes, send pull request. :)


See the file with that name.
