Home > OAuth


OAuth is a project mainly written in PHP, it's free.

PHP 5.3 OAuth 1.0 rfc5849

OAuth 1.0 (rfc5849) PHP 5.3

Craig Mason < [email protected] >

A PHP 5.3+ only implementation of the OAuth 1.0 protocol http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5849

This library does not handle the creation of CURL or other HTTP connections. It will generate signatures and "Authorization: OAuth" headers which can then be easily used in a CURL or Socket connection.

The library does not store any keys, tokens or secrets. That responsibility lives with the application.


use StasisMediaOAuth;

$consumerCredential = new OAuthCredentialConsumer('key', 'secret');
$request = new OAuthRequestRequestToken($consumerCredential, 'http://example.com/request_token');
$signature = new OAuthSignatureHMAC_SHA1($request, $consumerCredential);

$authHeader = $request->getAuthorizationHeader('realm', $signature->generateSignature() );

echo $authHeader;
 * Authorization: OAuth realm="realm", oauth_consumer_key="key",
 * oauth_timestamp="1288534693", oauth_nonce="b0d75745b33346972e8cab2129f33bb5",
 * oauth_version="1.0", oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1",
 * oauth_signature="%2B7mFGdwyRvMdQR1o%2FxJqyBcscpE%3D"