Home > CreateMenuPath.vim


CreateMenuPath.vim is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

Create a menu that mirrors a directory tree

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=175

This file provides a function to create a menu that mirrors a directory tree.

Usage: CreateMenuPath({path} [, {menu name} [, {menu priority} [, {filename ignore pattern1} [, {filename ignore pattern2} ...]]]])

Examples: :call CreateMenuPath('~') " Creates a menu of your home directory.

:call CreateMenuPath('~/public_html', 'Files.Web Page', '600.100', 'c.(gif|jpe=g|png|ico|bmp|tiff=)$') " Files.Web Page menu, priority 600.100, ignoring some image files.

A default filename ignore pattern is provided which ignores a number of image, audio and archive files, but it's incomplete.

The global variable "CMP_Recurse_Limit" can be set to specify the maximum sub-directory depth to scan. Set it to 0 (the default) for infinite recursion. Set it to 1 to scan only the specified directory.