Home > CrowdMap


CrowdMap is a project mainly written in JAVA and PYTHON, it's free.

A project to geospatially map the IP address space of international telecommunication companies

This is a combination of python http server code (which is quite shit) which takes data from the clients and puts it into an sqlite database.

The other componant is an Android application which occasionally sends a single POST request to the server to supply with its environmental data.

Contents of the supplied data will be used to create datasets and visualizations about how international telcos distribute their IP address space geospacially.

More info: [email protected]

SQLite Table Layout: ip, connection_type, carrier, latitude, longitude, location_type, time, unique_id CREATE TABLE "main"."points" ("ip" TEXT NOT NULL , "connection_type" TEXT NOT NULL , "carrier" TEXT NOT NULL , "latitude" TEXT NOT NULL , "longitude" TEXT NOT NULL , "location_type" TEXT NOT NULL , "time" TEXT NOT NULL , "unique_id" TEXT NOT NULL)

Tuts used: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3145089/what-is-the-simplest-and-most-robust-way-to-get-the-users-current-location-in-an/3145655#3145655 http://blog.doughellmann.com/2007/12/pymotw-basehttpserver.html

To test POST: curl -d ip= -d connection_type=3g -d carrier=tmo -d latitude=86.88 longitude=69.69 -d location_type=gps -d time=11111111 -d unique_id=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx http://localhost:8888