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Crtodo is a project mainly written in RUBY and JAVASCRIPT, based on the BSD-2-Clause license.

CRToDo is a minimalistic to-do list web application.


CRToDo is a to-do managing application similar to RememberTheMilk but restricted to basic features.

CRToDo consists of two parts:

  1. The server is written in Ruby and offers a RESTful webservice.
  2. The client is written in JavaScript and runs in the browser.


  • Multiuser login by using OpenID
  • Managing multiple to-do lists
  • Adding simple, one-line to-do entries
  • Ordering to-do entries by drag-and-drop
  • Finishing and deleting to-do entries by drag-and-drop
  • History of finished to-do entries


To use the service you can either go to http://todo.livoris.de/ or install it on your own server.


  • Ruby 1.8.6 or newer
  • RubyGems 1.3.5 or newer
  • Sinatra 0.9.6
  • Ruby JSON implementation 1.2.0
  • Redis 2.2.2
  • Ruby-OpenID 2.1.8
  • RSpec 2.3.0 for running the tests
  • Rake 0.8.7 for running the tests
  • RCov for test coverage
  • Reek 1.2.1 for code style
  • fcgi 0.8.8 for FastCGI
  • fcgiwrap 0.1.6 for FastCGI
  • thin 1.2.11 for thin


The service is implemented with Sinatra and runs either stand-alone, in a webserver with FastCGI or with the help of thin. The data backend is a redis database.


Install a redis database so that it is accessible from the CRToDo application. Then configure the CRToDo application by copying the example.config.yml to config.yml and making appropiate adjustments to the config. It is not recommended to use the same database number for other applications since it might cause conflicts.


To start the CRToDo server with the built-in webserver, start a terminal and change to the directory where you downloaded CRToDo and type the following command:

$ rake run

As can be seen by the ouput of the command, the WEBrick webserver starts on port 4567. The web interface can now be accessed by typing http://localhost:4567/ into the browser.


In a production environment you typically have a webserver like Apache HTTP Server or lighttpd.

To configure FastCGI in your webserver please refer to your webserver's documentation. An example configuration for Apache might look like below.


VirtualHost myhost:80
    ServerName todo.livoris.de
    DocumentRoot /.../crtodo


RewriteEngine on
AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi
Options +FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ dispatch.fcgi [QSA,L]

Due to a Bug in the FCGI wrapper, the return_to request for OpenID does not exactly match the original request. When you get the error message

Sorry, we could not authenticate you. return_to_path does not match

the easiest way to fix it, is by replacing line 197 in the file /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ruby-openid-2.1.8/lib/openid/consumer/idres.rb

[:scheme, :host, :port, :path].each do |meth|


[:scheme, :host, :port].each do |meth|


Write a thin.yml file for configuring thin:

    environment: production
    chdir: /path/to/crtodo/
    port: 4567
    pid: /.../thin.pid
    rackup: /path/to/crtodo/config.ru
    log: /.../thin.log
    max_conns: 64
    timeout: 30
    max_persistent_conns: 32
    daemonize: true

Start it either by

$ thin -C thin.yml -R config.ru start

or by putting the thin.yml file in the /etc/thin directory if thin is configured as a service.


Apart from all the other components, this project is notably inspired by the simplicity and power of Sinatra and jQuery. The icons were provided under the Creative Commons Attribution License by the Axialis Team.
