Home > cs537-p2


Cs537-p2 is a project mainly written in C and ASSEMBLY, it's free.

Authors: Ryan Schmukler - schmukle Nate Sullivan - sullivan

Mysh: Implemented a simple shell. Used strtok to tokenize the string and then parse. Additionally string parsing took care of recognizing redirecting Reserved commands were handled with a simple if statement which then executed the propper function. Standard system commands were handled by a forked process and execve. Redirection was handled by closing stdout and opening a new file to the file specified.

Scheduler: Implemented two new syscalls in a similar fashion as the getcount method from p1 Used argint to fetch the integer argument off the stack for the sys_settickets Added new variables to the proc structure to handle the tickets, the pass, and the usageCount for a given process Added appropriate code to allocproc to initialize the above Implemented a stride scheduler in place of the existing one in the kernel