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CSFSC is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

A Sofa Control applescript to give Chrome remote control capability. (For mac)

A script for Sofa Control (http://gravityapps.com/sofacontrol/) to allow Google Chrome to be remote controlled. -Callum Gare

To Install: If you haven't already download and install Sofa Control (it's shareware). Open "Chrome.sofa" If that doesn't work open Sofa Control, click File > Import Script then locate and open "Chrome.sofa"

Apple Remote: Left/right Navigate the tabs. Up/down Move the page up or down by 1. Hold up/down Scroll.

If you have feature request, idea, comment or complaint then drop me a line at [email protected] or whatever way you prefer.

Ver. Log: 1.0 2/12/10 -First version. 1.1 2/12/10 -"Refresh Tab" option added to menu. 1.2 15/12/10 -"Close Tab" option added to menu. -It now plays/pauses iTunes and if's closed it'll play/pause QuickTime.