Home > csindent.vim


Csindent.vim is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

Indent file per project

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2633

How to use the plug-in:

  1. Create ~/.vim_csindent.ini' (default value ofg:csindent_ini') with format: '[' [':' ] ']'

    '=' is common indent file without '.vim' suffix. is your path of project. If exists , then .vim file is default indent file for this filetype. For example: [cpp:shetukhin] google = $HOME/work/pyctpp2 [c] linux = $HOME/work/kernels/ gnu = $HOME/work/hurd
  2. Create ~/.vim/csindent/<FILETYPE_NAME>/<INDENT_NAME>.vim' (instead of~/.vim/csindent` you can use any path from 'runtimepath'). For example: ~/.vim/csindent/cpp/shetukhin.vim ~/.vim/csindent/cpp/google.vim ~/.vim/csindent/c/linux.vim ~/.vim/csindent/c/gnu.vim

Note 1: This script is compatible with filetype indent. See :help filetype.

Note 2: You can use more informative status line using CodingStyleIndent(). For example: set statusline=%<%f%h%m%r%=style=%{CodingStyleIndent()} %15(L%l,C%c%V%) %3P
