Home > csv_demo


Csv_demo is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Built in Ruby on Rails 3.0.9, demonstrates CSV data import to mySQL, use of has_many and belongs_to and parallel checkboxes and select dropdowns


Gathering data from CSV file and porting to MySQL Use of has_many and belongs_to Providing informative and multiple checboxes with parallel select dropdowns on the same form.
Multiple select dropdowns require distinct names... Use of singular model names with plural database table names In has_many model, set_primary_key is essential for all relevant models, particularly with regard to update_attributes Controllers with non-standard action names Syntax regarding project name and table names containing an underscore

Created this only in development.

mySQL database:

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS csvdemo.itemsizes; CREATE TABLE csvdemo.itemsizes ( size_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, size varchar(45) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY USING BTREE (size_id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS csvdemo.memberrecords; CREATE TABLE csvdemo.memberrecords ( memberrecords_id int(11) default NULL, member_name varchar(100) default NULL, member_email varchar(100) default NULL, member_address varchar(100) default NULL, member_address_alternative varchar(100) default NULL, use_alternate tinyint(1) default '0', rand_password varchar(36) default NULL, encrypted_password varchar(36) default NULL, csv_field varchar(255) default NULL, member_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, created_item int(10) unsigned default '0', PRIMARY KEY (member_id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS csvdemo.memberrecords_shirtitems; CREATE TABLE csvdemo.memberrecords_shirtitems ( memberrecords_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, item_id int(11) default NULL, member_id int(11) default '0', size_id int(11) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (memberrecords_id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS csvdemo.shirtitems; CREATE TABLE csvdemo.shirtitems ( shirtitems_id int(11) default NULL, item_description varchar(100) default NULL, item_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, PRIMARY KEY (item_id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
