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Cycloauth is a project mainly written in Python, based on the MIT license.

OAuth Provider for Cyclone


This is an OAuth 1.0a provider for cyclone It requires oauth2 and is based on wsgioauth.

cycloauth provides:

  • A simple and compliant OAuth 1.0a provider
  • HMAC-SHA1 and PLAINTEXT signature methods
  • Pluggable storage backend
  • MongoDB storage backend bundled (using txmongo)

I am still working on tests and compliancy however am using it for a production project and so it should see regular updates toward supporting various consumer libraries.

Basic Usage

1. Clone, install requirements and install:

This should be done from within a virtualenv

$ git clone git://github.com:/samuraisam/cycloauth
$ cd cycloauth
$ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
$ sudo pip install -e ./

2. Add cycloauth handlers to your application:

import cyclone.web, cycloauth.provider

# your application must include the provider mixin
class Application(cyclone.web.Application, cycloauth.provider.OAuthApplicationMixin):
  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    handlers = []
    # here cycloauth.provider.handlers() takes a dictionary of settings
    # I recommend using your global application settings
    # we'll leave it blank for now to get something up and running
    settings = {'debug': True}
    handlers += handlers(settings)
    cyclone.web.Application.__init__(self, handlers, **settings)

By default this gives you a few URLs which are overridable in settings (more later):

  • /oauth/request_token used by clients to create a request token
  • /oauth/authorize shown to users in a web browser to request authorization to the client
  • /oauth/access_token used by clients to acquire an access token

3. Create a way to register applications with your service

You must provide a way to register new consumers with your service. The way in which you implement it is up to you however it must follow this common pattern:

from cyclone.web import RequestHandler
from cycloauth.provider import OAuthRequestHandlerMixin
from twisted.internet import defer

class RegisterApplicationHandler(RequestHandler, OAuthRequestHandlerMixin):
  def get(self):
    c = yield self.application.oauth_storage.add_consumer()
    yield self.application.oauth_storage.save_consumer(c)

This will generate a new consumer key/secret and save it to the oauth store. Most likely you will also want to store it somewhere in your database attached to another sort of user account.

4. Create a protected resource

Protecting a service with OAuth authentication is pretty easy. It is important to note that ALL OAuth protected resources are required to be asynchronous

from cycloauth.provider import OAuthRequestHandlerMixin, oauth_authenticated
from cyclone.web import RequestHandler

class NativeProtectedMethodHandler(RequestHandler, OAuthRequestHandlerMixin):
  def get(self):
    self.write('you are authenticated as ' + str(self.oauth_token))
 you are authenticated using ' + str(self.oauth_consumer))
 holy protected resources batman!')

You are responsible for pulling other user information from your own database based on the oauth_token and oauth_consumer provided on the resource.

Less-Than-Basic Usage

Implementing an authorize step

The default authorization handler simply generates an oauth_verifier and redirects back to the application's oauth_callback url. This is most likely an undesired behavior as the user has no chance to authorize the consumer to their account. In addition, there is no native login process enforced. To create this step you will need to do the following:

  1. Create a new handler which presents a user interface requesting explicit permission from the logged in user to allow the consumer access to a set of resources (global, read, write, or whatever are some common ones)
  2. If the user isn't logged in, allow them to do so and redirect back to the authorize URL maintaining the oauth_token query parameter
  3. Optionally, generate a verifier code and set it on the request token, and display it to the user to insert into the application when returning to the consumer's app
  4. Allow the user to Approve or Deny access to the consumer, returning them to the consumer in either case

The example implementation (actually the default one, but you get the idea):

from cyclone.web import RequestHandler
from cycloauth.provider import OAuthRequestHandlerMixin
from twisted.internet import defer

class AuthorizeHandler(RequestHandler, OAuthRequestHandlerMixin):
  def get(self):
    str_tok = self.oauth_params['oauth_token']
    token = yield self.application.oauth_storage.get_request_token(str_tok)
    token.set_verifier() # here you can pass your own code to this function
    yield self.application.oauth_storage.save_request_token(token)
    cb = token.get_callback_url()

This handler is then provided via the full dot-notated path of the RequestHandler in your settings:

settings['oauth_authorization_handler'] = 'mypackage.mysubpackage.AuthorizeHandler'

Using the MongoDB storage backend

More likely than not in-memory OAuth Token storage will not be suitable for you.
