Home > d2tags


D2tags is a project mainly written in D, it's free.

d2tags - converts DMD2's JSON output to Exuberant Ctags format.

d2tags - converts DMD2's JSON output to Exuberant Ctags format.

usage: % d2tags JSONFILE... > tags % d2tags DIRECTORY... > tags

This should be fine for most cases: % cd TOP_OF_YOUR_SOURCE_TREE % d2tags . > tags

For DIRECTORY, JSON files are searched there and in its subdirectories (recursively). You can also intermix JSONFILEs and DIRECTORYs.

Relative filepaths in the JSON files are adjusted to be relative to the current directory, so the tags file should be created there.

suggested Vim configuration: set tags=./tags; tagrelative