Home > Daemon_deprecated


Daemon_deprecated is a project mainly written in PHP, it's free.

Library for managing daemon systems using PHP

h2. About

RespectDaemon is PHP component to create and manage deamons using OS specific tools.

h3. Sample Usage (not working yet)

use RespectDaemon;
use RespectDeamonManager as d; 
$d = d::getInstance();
$d->all(); //list all jobs
$mongodb = $d->get("mongodb"); //get single job
$d->remove($mongodb); //remove from operating system
$myd = new DeamonJob("myd");
$d->save($myd); //save job to operating system

h3. Linux

Manages upstart (http://upstart.ubuntu.com) scripts and cron jobs.

h3. Windows

Manager windows services using the Windows Service Management API (through the win32service PECL extension).