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Janus is a project mainly written in PERL and C, it's free.

Janus inter-network IRC channel linker

Quick start:

Run ./configure to check module dependencies and compile multiplex code.

See the example configuration for a description of what is needed there. After editing the configuration, start janus by running janus.pl

Linking modes:

Janus supports two main linking modes. The normal (and default) mode is called "link" and links individual channels. This is suitable for sharing a few related channels between networks, without needing to share services, network opers, or other unrelated channels.

The second mode is called "bridge" mode, and functions as a more transparent bridge, intended to be used between different ircds on the same logical network. Many of the commands and modules do not apply to this mode, and will not work.

Available modules:

Modules::Ban Allows per-network bans of specific expressions matching users. Causes an auto-kickban when the user joins a remote channel.

Modules::BanSet Faster ban implementation for large ban lists (hundreds) by using exact matches rather than a linear search of regular expressions.

Modules::Claim Prevents opers and other network's services from changing modes in a shared channel if that channel has been claimed by certain network(s)

Modules::KeepMode Stores the modes of a channel and restores them on a relink. Useful if you use "setmode" to change mode not available on the home network's ircd.

Modules::Services Prevents communcation to and from remote services, and prevents services kills from being translated into kicks unless they are repeated.

Modules::Signals Rehashes the janus server on reciept of a SIGHUP.

Modules::Spamfilter (EXPERIMENTAL) Kills users sending a message matching a hardcoded regular expression. It is planned to replace this with a proper word-basd filter in the future.

Modules::Vanish Similar to ban, but makes the user invisible to the banning network rather than kicking them. This is clearly going to cause an apparent desync, including people talking to ghosts.

Modules::WhoisFilter Filters the /whois notification sent for remote nicks. These notices can be an annoyance because opers may not even be able to see a nick that can /whois them, and are often not interested in the activity of users not on their network.

Modules::Xline Caches G-, Z-, and Q-lines for all networks, and optionally applies them to incoming nicks. This module must be loaded when janus starts to cache all lines; if loaded while running, it will only cache new lines, or will learn of all lines on the next netsplit.

If you make changes to any of the modules in janus, in order to comply with the license, you must either load the SHOWSOURCE command or update the URL in the ABOUT command to one that contains the modified source.