Home > dbinspect


Dbinspect is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

binspect is a django app to inspect your mysql database schemas and compare them to all models in your project to find the differences.

==================== dbinspect

dbinspect is a django app to inspect your mysql database schemas and compare them to all models in your project to find the differences.

It's helpful when you have done a lot of migrations and what to find the difference between current database schema and your models.

Tt checks and show an error message to these conditions:

  • You defined a index field but no index created in database.

  • Your database has indexes which not defined in your models.

  • You delete a field in models but not delete it in database.

  • Some fields were defined unique but no unique rule in database.


  1. add 'dbinspect' to your project's settings::

    INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'dbinspect', )

  2. add url routes to you urls.py::

    (r'^inspect$', 'dbinspect.views.inspect')

  3. visite http://your.site.com/inspect
