Home > TorStatus


TorStatus is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

We intend to re-write the existing TorStatus webapp.

TorStatus README

About TorStatus

TorStatus provides a way for Tor relay operators, clients of the Tor network, and anyone else to view aggregate information about the Tor network as well as detailed information about active relays in the network in real-time.

This implementation is written in Python/Django.


For help installing and running TorStatus, consult doc/INSTALL.rst.


Files ..... In TorStatus/:

| ``README.rst`` -- This document.

In TorStatus/doc:

| ``DESIGN.rst`` -- Design documentation and issues.
| ``INSTALL.rst`` -- Installation instructions.
| ``HACKING`` -- Coding style guidelines used for TorStatus.
| ``LICENSE`` -- A copy of the BSD 3-clause license that TorStatus

Generating the API .................. To generate the TorStatus API, install epydoc (available at http://epydoc.sourceforge.net/installing.html) and run:

| ``$ cd status/``
| ``$ epydoc . --config config/epydoc_config.py``

ReStructured Text ................. TorStatus documentation, like this README, is written in reStructuredText. To generate HTML-formatted design documentation using reStructuredText, install docutils (available at http://docutils.sourceforge.net/) and run commands analogous to the following:

| ``$ cd doc/``
| ``$ rst2html example.rst example.html``

To view the documentation, open design.html using your favorite web browser. If you'd rather view the plaintext documentation, open design.rst.
