Home > dcOAIServiceProviderPlugin


DcOAIServiceProviderPlugin is a project mainly written in PHP and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

Symfony 1.4 plugin that implements an OAI-PMH Service Provider


Brief description

Symfony plugin that provides an implementation of an OAI-PMH Service Provider.

This symfony plugin is a simple implementation of an OAI-PMH Service Provider. It requires symfony 1.4+.


  1. Just install the plugin (you can git clone it or just download it).

  2. Build your model, forms and db:

    $ php symfony propel:build --all
  3. Enable the plugin (if needed):

    // In config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php:
    // ...
  4. Enable the administration modules provided (give them a try!):

    # In apps/<application>/config/settings.yml
        enabled_modules: [default, myFancyModule, anotherCoolModule, oai_data_provider, oai_harvested_data]
  5. Clear your cache:

    $ php symfony cache:clear

Please note that this plugin uses i18n.