Home > DDT-Debian-Description-Tracking


DDT-Debian-Description-Tracking is a project mainly written in PERL and SHELL, it's free.

Track the changes of debian descriptions

This is the collection of files in the /org/ddtp.debian.net directory on churro. It's an odd collection performing a number of tasks. Whether this is the right place for them in debatable, but I (kleptog) couldn't come up with something. Perhaps after the server reorganisation it will be clearer.

db2file.pl - Exports the translations into a hierachy of files on disk db2po.pl - Exports the translations into a hierarchy of po files on disk db2po.sh - Script to drive db2po.pl for each language db2status_page.cgi - Produces a big table of translations (is this used?) db2Translation.pl - Generates the Translation file for a given dist/lang db2Translation.sh - Drives the previous script for each language, and builds web tree db2web.pl - Generates the DDTP package webpages for a specific prefix (character) db2web.sh - Generates the DDTP website. Uses previous script and gnuplot for the graphs db_change_lang.pl - Fixes the DB for pt_PT -> pt coversion db_del_lang.pl - Deletes a language from the DB ddt.cgi - The actual CGI script for the dynamic output of DDTP Packages2db.pl - Takes a given package file and loads it into the DB Packages2db.sh - Fetches the packages file for all dist/arch and imports them sql_layout.txt - Schema of DDTP database stat.pl - Generates global stats for db2web.sh TODO - obvious Translation2db.pl - Imports a translation file into the DB Translation2db.sh - Drives Translation2db.pl for each language/dist update.sh - Cronjob script to update the website and process Packages files daily

The shell scripts in general expect a certain directory structure. At least there should be a 'www' symlink to the web home of the DDTP. That's also where the actual ddt.cgi should live.