Home > persvr


Persvr is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and JAVA, based on the View license.

Superrepo for persvr.org project

this is a collection of the persevere packages all together in a single repository. each package has been added as a submodule. for help with submodules see http://book.git-scm.com/5_submodules.html

Clone this repository and initialize any submodules:

git clone --recursive REPOSITORY 

To Run off of narwhal:

./bin/persvr example

To build nodejs:

cd packages/node && ./configure && make && cd ../../

To run with nodejs:

./bin/node-persvr example

I'm still working on a good set of incantations and directions for using your own branches for all or a subset of this and will update when I have more information. Here are a few notes:

Some submodule reference docs for helping you out:


Here is a command to switch submodules to master and pull

git submodule foreach 'git checkout master; git pull'

Better commands/directions are welcome!