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GBot is a project mainly written in C++ and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

An IRC bot that publishes git commit information, among other things.


21st January, 2010

You must have Qt4 devel packages installed. You should also have DBus and qdbus installed.

To build the project follow these steps:

1) Type qmake-qt4 -project 2) Type qmake-qt4 3) Type make 4) ./bot -c configFile.ini

You have your bot up and running. It listens at the DBus interface specified in configFile.ini. Change the parameters there as you see fit.

Now, copy post-commit.sh to .git/hooks/post-commit of your git repository. Change the DBus interface string there to reflect the one set in configFile.ini.

You can also write custom scripts. For example, you can type the following to the Qt_bot:

Qt_bot, !time

You have to write a time.js script and put it in the same directory as the executable. The time.js scripe gets called.

Contact [email protected] for further queries.