Home > declarative_authorization_padrino


Declarative_authorization_padrino is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

Declarative Authorization's Padrino wrapper

= Declarative Authorization wrapper for Padrino

Read https://github.com/stffn/declarative_authorization for everything else but how to secure your controllers.

== Securing your controllers

Although it's not the best approach and it has to be improved, it'll do the job for now. Suggestions accepted :)

Register the module in your app/app.rb

register Authorization::Padrino

For each action on your controller you'd like to protect add something like this:

:protect => [{:action => :read, :resource => :users, :forbidden => "Custom 403 forbidden message"}]

Note that :forbidden is optional.

get '/', :provides => :json, :protect => [{:action => :read, :resource => :users}] do User.with_permissions_to.all.to_json(:include => :roles) end

And that's pretty much it :)

== Demo app
