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Delimport-pinboard is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Index your Pinboard bookmarks using Spotlight on Mac OS X.


Index your Pinboard bookmarks using Spotlight on Mac OS X. Updates every half-hour. Includes url, title, description, and tags.

I've been heavily invested in Delicious as a bookmarking service for many years. However, after learning about Delicious' sunsetting, I've decided to join the ranks of the Great Delicious Exodus and sign up for an account with Pinboard.

This is a fork of the awesome delimport, which automatically indexes Delicious bookmarks and makes them available via Spotlight and Spotlight-powered tools (e.g. Alfred) on Mac OS X. This fork indexes your Pinboard bookmarks instead.

Building from Source

Ian's code requires the Mac OS X 10.4u SDK. I had to uninstall Xcode 3.2.x and reinstall Xcode 3.1.4 to get the 10.4u SDK so I could compile. I've documented my own process in the post: Import Delicious/Pinboard Bookmarks Into Spotlight for Mac OS X.

Assuming you have the Mac OS X 10.4u SDK installed, it should simply be:

git clone git://github.com/skyzyx/delimport-pinboard.git
cd delimport-pinboard
open delimport.xcodeproj

Then click the Build button at the top of Xcode.

Known Issues

  • Pinboard tags don't seem to be indexed. I need to poke around in Ian's code a little more.


I don't know the first thing about Objective-C or the Cocoa frameworks. I'm just good at poking around in the code and replacing strings here and there. I don't provide support, because I wouldn't have any answers for you anyway. Let me know if you know Objective-C and want to contribute.

License and Copyright

This software is copyright (c) 2007 Ian Henderson.

There is no license as far as I can find, so I'm putting myself on the line by redistributing this code. I've contacted Ian and asked what the license is, but he hasn't responded up to this point. I hope he's okay with this. Ian, if you're not, please let me know.
