Home > DevShovel


DevShovel is a project mainly written in Java, it's free.

How to get started

1) Add maven repo to the settings.xml (described in modera confluence) 2) Right-click on src folder->maven->Enable dep. management 3) Download swt project from http://www.eclipse.org/swt/ and import it to the workspace 4) Add swt project as dependency 5) Run as a Java project

How do I create a plugin ?

The easiest way to create a plugin is to implement the net.modera.shovel.resourceproviders.DiscoverableResourceProvider interface and place it to your class-path, currently your class must resided in net.modera.shovel.resourceprovider so the shovel would able to discover it. Also, do not forget to annotate your implementation with the org.springframework.stereotype.Component annotation because the Spring Autowiring facilities are used to load plugins dynamically.