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Dewpoint is a project mainly written in Python, based on the Apache-2.0 license.

Command-line interface for creating and managing cloud servers

Dewpoint is a command line tool for interacting with cloud servers.

Usage: dewpoint [options] ...

Commands: create-node Create a new node destroy-node Destroy an existing node find-node Find an existing node by name list-nodes List all existing nodes list-sizes List all valid server sizes list-images List all available server images help Return more detailed help on command

Dewpoint is a wrapper for the excellent libcloud library. A compatible version (0.3.1) is packaged with dewpoint.

Configuration files for dewpoint by default can be stored in ~/.dewpoint/dewpoint.ini. They are in standard ini format and look like this:

[default] provider: rackspace

[rackspace] user: YOUR USER key: YOUR API KEY default_size: 256 default_image: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (lucid)

Please note that this tool has so far only been tested against RackSpace Cloud, although the interface should be capable of supporting other libcloud providers without too much additional work.