Home > diy-comic-iphone-app


Diy-comic-iphone-app is a project mainly written in OBJECTIVE-C and C, it's free.

iPhone application and flash mob project, where the Format festival zine community in Adelaide can create and self-publish electronic zines and photo comics.

Challenge your friends or create a zine with others all around the world in this digital zine (mini-magazine) app.

As a new challenge is created, this application will fetch the latest list for you participate. Take a photo, draw a cartoon, finger paint a masterpiece or upload other artwork or photos from your iphone to compete in the challenges.

You'll be racing against the clock in some of the challenges, in others a slow and steady approach might be best.

Once you've created a zine, tap the submit button and you'll be able to share your zine-o-tron creation with your friends, or view it on-line.

Zine-o-tron was created by the Format Collective, a DIY (do it yourself) artist run collective based in Adelaide. They put on monthly DIY art, music and performance events in their multi-purpose space at 15 Peel Street, in the Adelaide CBD. format.net.au

The zine-o-tron project was a lucky recipient of funding from the Australia Council's Digital Culture Fund, which is a great supporter of indie arts projects. artsdigitalera.com/dcfund

Published to the Apple AppStore as "Zine-O-Tron" http://bit.ly/zine-o-tron_app


This project uses several external services to provide it's infrastructure. You will need to create accounts and sign up to these services to enable this functionality.

All account details are set in "Classes/Konstants.h"

== Flickr : http://www.flickr.com Provides comic repository for images and metadata within the Collections, Sets and Tags.


EG. http://www.flickr.com/services/apps/72157623984491646/

== Flurry: http://dev.flurry.com Provides user analytics to track application usage

Requires: kFLURRY_ID

== UrbanAirship: https://go.urbanairship.com Provides Push Notification Service; provide 1,000,000 free notification per month.

Requires: kAUApnsKey kAUApnsSecret

Sample UrbanAirship Payload: {"aps": {"badge": "+1", "alert": "New Challenge Available", "sound": "bite.caf"}}

Available Sounds: bite.caf, cat.caf, cow.caf, frog.caf, pig.caf

== Facebook App: http://www.facebook.com/developers/apps.php Provides means to pst to FB Users feeds.

Requires: kFbApiKey kFbApiKey

== Badges: Business Rules

  • NewBadge : current_time < start_time
  • OpenBadge : current_time > start_time && current_time < finish_time
  • TimeBadge: current_time > finish_time - 0.2 * (finish_time - start_time) (ie. within 20% of finish_time)
  • ClosedBadge: current_time > finish_time

== Lables

  • DoneBadge

== Links http://bit.ly/zine-o-tron_app : Search AppStore for "zine-o-tron"