Home > django-block-manager


Django-block-manager is a project mainly written in Python, based on the MIT license.

Simple django application that provides ways of inserting per-application content in your templates

Django Block Manager

This application allows me to have any other application describe what views it wants to expose to the block manager, which in turn allows me to use those in any template as a callable template tag.

It might not be pretty, or fast, but it achieved what I wanted.


  1. You need to have python-setuptools installed sudo apt-get install python-setuptools

  2. python ./setup.py install

  3. Include it in your INSTALLED_APPS tuple

  4. For each application that you want to create "blocks" for :

    a. edit the applications init.py file

    b. insert something like :

    from django_block_manager.lib.manager import BlockManager
    blockmanager = BlockManager()
    blockmanager.add_block('YourBlockName', {
        'title' : 'SectionName',
        'content' : rendered_content_func,

    c. notes :

    i. rendered_content_func : is a function which returns data to be inserted into template output, so if you need it to be html, then it's up to you to ensure it's safe.

    i. SectionName : By default this will be rendered inside a H2 tag, provide a template to override this.

    i. YourBlockName : This is how you call a block, which contains many bits of content. Requesting specific parts of a block is my next step to implement.

    d. In your template :

    {% load blocks %}
    {% blockmanager YourBlockName [SectionName] %}

    e. Provide the block override template

    i. in you template directory create :

        blockmanager +
                     +- block.html

    i. Fill block.html with

        <h1>{{ Title }}</h1>
        <p>{{ Content }}</p>



  • Copyright (c) 2011 Zenobius Jiricek
  • Licensed under the MIT license: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php


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