Home > django-centralniak-slugfield


Django-centralniak-slugfield is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

Provide more handy support for slugs in models


This tiny project adds new Django field type CentralniakSlugField that automatically creates and/or updates slug on save. The slug method supports far more regional characters then the core Django one (yes, cyrillic alphabet is supported).

Project was somewhat inspired by Doctrine ORM's approach <http://www.doctrine-project.org/documentation/manual/1_0/en/behaviors:core-behaviors:sluggable>_ to slugs.


  1. You can choose which fields to populate a slug form (single or multifield slug)
  2. You can choose if slug should be updated on record update or only on creation
  3. Possibility to make slugs unique per given expression only (for example given date)


  • Put django_centralniak_slugfield in your INSTALLED_APPS



from django_centralniak_slugfield import CentralniakSlugField

class MyModel(models.model): fieldname1 = models.CharField(max_length=12) fieldname2 = models.CharField(max_length=34) other_model = models.ForeignKey(OtherModel) slug = CentralniakSlugField(populate_from=['fieldname1', 'fieldname2'], update_on_edit=False, unique_for=['other_model'])


Samuel Adam for the slughifi module (couldn't find it online anymore)
