Home > django-deptest


Django-deptest is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

Test wrapper for running django tests on interdependent projects


This Python script is used to apply Django's testing framework in the scenario that you have several interdependent projects.


To configure you need a Yaml file which contains all your Django projects you want to test and their dependencies.


  main: # Project identifier
    dir: /home/ulf/django/main         # Path where the files are located
    deps: [login, static]              # Projects which need to run in order for tests to complete
    tests:                             # Collection of test profiles. 'default' is needed
      default: [myapp, yourapp]        # Tests to run default
      extended: [myapp, yourapp, herapp, hisapp] 
    dir: /home/ulf/django/login
    port: 8080                         # Port where the project runs as dependency
    fixtures: [base]           # Fixtures to load when running as dependency
    reset: [app1,app2]         # Apps to reset before fixture loading
    dir: /home/ulf/django/static
    port: 8081


To run the tests, you need to supply the config file and the project, which you want to run the tests for, as arguments.

./deptest.py config.yaml main

This will run the tests in profile default for the main project, as specified in the config file above. Before running the tests, the dependencies are started. In this case, the script runs the login project on port 8080 and the static project on port 8081. After apps are reset and fixtures loaded, the tests for main are run. After that, the dependencies get torn down. To run tests in profile extended use:

./deptest.py config.yaml main extended


Be aware that the dependencies are setup anew for every item in the tests variable, in the example tests: [myapp, yourapp] that means the following workflow:

  1. Dependencies are set up
  2. Test myapp is run
  3. Dependencies are torn down
  4. Dependencies are set up
  5. Test yourapp is run
  6. Dependencies are torn down

If you want to run multiple tests without setting everything up every time, use a list element: tests: [myapp, [yourapp, herapp]]. Here, between the tests of yourapp and herapp2 there is no tearing down of dependencies.


  • yamlconfig
  • PyYAML


  • Integrate as Django manage command
  • Add more configuration options
  • Add python config files
  • Maybe integrate fabric to run dependencies remotely