Home > django-globalshorturls


Django-globalshorturls is a project mainly written in Python, based on the MIT license.

A small Django application for generating short URLs from any other URL.

== django-globalshorturls ==

An app for the django framework that simplifies the task of shortening any URL to an URL of the form yourdomain.com/XYZ. It supports very basic stats (how many has visited the link), as well as a simple interface for adding new URLs.

If you only need to support shortening of local urls (to articles on your own site for example), I recommend using django-shorturls instead, that can be found here: https://github.com/jacobian/django-shorturls. The baseconv.py file in globalshorturls is borrowed from that app.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on my twitter http://twitter.com/martingamm.

Patches are very welcome!

== Usage ==

  1. Add SHORT_URL_PREFIX = 'http://yoururl.com/' to your settings file, substituting yoururl.com with the domain name you use for shortening.

  2. Add globalshorturls to your INSTALLED_APPS

  3. Move the globalshorturls and templates folder into your project folder.

  4. Set up urls.py the way you want it. It is probably a good idea to have the

    url(r'^(?P[a-zA-Z0-9]+)/$', 'globalshorturls.views.redirect', name='globalshorturls.redirect')

    line be the last one to be parsed (be on the bottom of your global urls.py) so that a visitor tries to match every other url-regex before resorting to the redirect function.

  5. Sync your database

  6. Point your browser towards whatever url you gave the index function, and start shortening your urls!