Home > django-graphize


Django-graphize is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

A command to generate graphical data from sql data

Graphize is a django application that adds a new functionality to the manage.py script that exports the selected models from sql to graphical format, such as a Pajek file or a Neo4j REST database.

Disclaimer: This software is under hard development.

Configuration: Just add the graphize app to your settings.py file and create a graphize_settings.py in the root of your django project directory.

You may include in this file all the models you want to graphize in a dictionary called "graph_structure". Each element of the dictionary is a tuple that in this first version just includes an element with another dictionary that specifies aditional fields that we want to add to a specific element.

A sample code could be:

from app1.models import Model1, Model2 from app2.models import ModelA, ModelB

MODEL_1_EXTRA_DATA = {'type': 'model1'} MODEL_1_BLACK_LIST = ('unwanted_field1', 'unwanted_field2')

graph_structure = {Model1: (MODEL_1_EXTRA_DATA, MODEL_1_BLACK_LIST), Model2: ({},()), ModelA: ({},()), ModelB: ({},()), }

Usage: python manage.py graphize OUTPUT_TYPE OUTPUT

Where OUTPUT_TYPE can be:

  • neo4j: Neo4j Graph Database
  • pajek: .net pajek file
  • sylva: sylva format file

and OUTPUT is the destination server/file.

Example: python manage.py graphize neo4j http://localhost:9999 python manage.py graphize pajek myfile.net
