Home > django-gspreadsheet_importer


Django-gspreadsheet_importer is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

Utility to access a private Google Spreadsheet and import the data into a Django data model.

gspreadsheet-importer is a utility to access a private Google Spreadsheet and suck the data into a Django data model. OneToOne and ManyToMany fields are supported. The app includes an admin console that can be integrated into your target application's interface. Here's how it works:

  • Setup your Google spreadsheet

    Each worksheet represents an individual model. The worksheet name is your model name If relationships exist, worksheets are ordered in their dependency order, most abstract objects first The first row in the worksheet is the header row. Each column should have a model attribute name.
    -- If a model attribute represents a OneToOneField or ManyToManyField, the column name should include the foreign key type separated by a period, e.g. my model attribute Author is of type Person. The column name should be Author.Person. The code will automatically pick up a type if the model attribute happens to be the same as the referenced object, e.g. my model attribute is Person. The column name can simply be Person. When entering data for foreign key fields, the program assumes objects have an attribute named "name". This field is used to lookup or create the related object. DateTimeField format: %m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S DateField format: %m/%d/%Y

  • Add the project to your installed_apps.

  • If not using the default gmail.com domain, specify the hosted domain in settings_shared.py. e.g. GOOGLE_SPREADSHEET_DOMAIN = 'my.hosted.domain.com'

  • In your urls.py, add the following line BEFORE any admin includes. The application will pick up the app name from the url. (r'^admin//', include('gspreadsheet_importer.urls'))

  • Run the application and login to your admin console. Navigate to http:///admin//import

  • The app uses AuthSub authentication to login and access Google data. The admin interface will guide you through these steps.

  • Choose a spreadsheet and hit Import.

  • Success/error messaging is displayed.
