Home > django-heroku


Django-heroku is a project mainly written in PYTHON and RUBY, it's free.

Initial Django site setup to run on Heroku (work in progress)

1. Installing prerequisites (Mac OS X)


2. Creating a Django site

2.1. Create a fresh Django site

mkdir ~/django-heroku && cd $_
django-admin.py startproject mysite
cd mysite
python manage.py runserver

2.2. Set up database and directories in the settings

  • Keep the root dir in a variable
  • Set sqlite3 as db driver and provide the path to db file
  • Set media root path
  • Set templates path

Sync the database

python manage.py syncdb

2.3. Add a core app to the site

python manage.py startapp core

Add the core app to the list of installed apps. Add a hello-world view for the root url.