Home > django-jira


Django-jira is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

Deprecated - look at https://github.com/nickburns2006/django-jira/ for a better fork

django-jira is some Django middleware that will automatically create an issue in a JIRA instance when an exception occurs. It handles duplicate exceptions by adding comments to the first instance of that exception.

Requires: suds

To install, run:

python setup.py install

Then add:


to your MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES in settings.py, along with the appropriate settings from the list below.

Settings for Django

JIRA_URL = A URL with trailing slash to the JIRA install (e.g., http://www.example.com/jira/)

JIRA_USER = The username of the user to log in to JIRA as

JIRA_PASSWORD = The password of the user to log in to JIRA as

JIRA_ISSUE_DEFAULTS = A dictionary of the settings to use when creating a JIRA issue, e.g., { 'project': 'PROJ', # The project code inside JIRA 'type': 1 # The ID of the issue type to be created. 1 = Bug }

JIRA_REOPEN_CLOSED = If an exception is raised and an issue is closed is in any of the states indicated by this setting, it will be reopened. Set to an empty tuple to disable, otherwise (4,6) is 'Resolved' and 'Closed' in a default JIRA install

JIRA_REOPEN_ACTION = The ID of the action to apply in JIRA to reopen an issue that is closed (by default '3' is Reopen Issue)

JIRA_REPORT_IN_DEBUG = If set to True, then JIRA will report even if in DEBUG mode, by default it does not.

JIRA_WONT_FIX = The ID of the "Won't Fix" resolution, Django-JIRA won't reopen tickets with this resolution
