Home > django-jqhelpers


Django-jqhelpers is a project mainly written in PYTHON and SHELL, it's free.

jquery loading and management helpers for django


Desinged to promote jquery "best practice" within a django project.
The overall idea is to provide scaffolding for authors of reusable apps so they can use (and reuse) javascript resources in a non-competitive way.


JQHELPERS_JQUERY_SRC (default: 'http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.3/jquery.min.js') The jQuery library to use. JQHELPERS_JQUERY_UI_SRC (default: 'http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.2/jquery-ui.min.js') The jQuery UI library to use.


The jQuery UI theme to use. You'll have to download and unpack it yourself!

Context Processor

Although they don't really do much on their own, the template tags rely on jqhelpers.context_processors.jqhelpers being in your list of context processors!

Template Tags

{% jq_add_plugin %} Stores a url (relative to STATICFILES_URL) to a jquery plugin in the template context to be rendered later by jq_plugins.

{% jq_add_script %} Stores a url (relative to STATICFILES_URL) to a jquery script in the template context to be rendered later by jq_plugins.

{% jq_add_inline %} and {% endjq_add_inline %} The text between these tags are captured and stored in the template context to be rendered later by jq_inlines.

{% jq_plugins %} Renders a series of unique script tags sourcing the plugins added by jq_add_plugin.

{% jq_scripts %} Renders a series of unique script tags sourcing the scripts added by jq_add_script.

{% jq_inlines %} Renders inline scripts captured by jq_add_inline, and wraps them in a document.ready closure that manages aliases for jQuery, django.jQuery, and $.

{% jquery %} Renders the script tag for the jQuery Library.

{% jquery_ui %} The same as the jquery tag, but includes a script tag for jQuery UI.

{% jquery_ui_theme %} Renders the tag for the jquery ui css resource specified in JQHELPERS_JQUERY_UI_THEME.


See the template in jqhelpers/templates/jqhelpers/demo.html for examples of tag usage.