Home > django-media-masher


Django-media-masher is a project mainly written in PYTHON and JAVASCRIPT, based on the MIT license.

Automatically optimize Javascript and CSS using Closure Compiler and YUI Compressor for Django Applications


Download the source and run :: python setup.py install

How to use it...

Don't forget to add 'masher' to your INSTALLED_APPS

Forms :: from masher import site

class MyForm(forms.Form):
    # ... fields ...
    class Media:
        js = (site.mash(['path/to/media/file(s).js'],)
        css = {
            'all': (site.mash(['path/to/media/file(s).css'],)

Widgets :: from masher import site class CalendarWidget(forms.TextInput): class Media: js = (site.mash(['path/to/media/file(s).js'],) css = { 'all': (site.mash(['path/to/media/file(s).css'],) }

Templates :: {% mash MEDIA_PATH_VAR 'file1.css' 'file2.css' %} {% mash MEDIA_PATH_VAR 'file1.js' 'file2.js' %}

NOTE: Whenever you 'mash' media, remember that you need to give masher the filesystem path (not the MEDIA_URL) to your media and the optimized output of the mashed media will be placed in your STATIC_ROOT directory.


Required :: STATIC_ROOT = "path/to/generated/media"

Optional :: MASHER_COMPRESS = False #default is True

When MASHER_COMPRESS is false the media files will be combined, but not compressed, this can be useful when debugging.

The Problem

You want to automate the optimization of your JavaScript and CSS during both development and production.

You obviously don't want to add any manual steps to optimize your static media.

You don't want to obfuscate your source code by optimizing it.

You don't want to worry about changing all of the URLS to your static media between development and production.

The Solution - Django Media Masher

Django Media Masher uses Closure Compiler (http://code.google.com/closure/compiler/) and YUI Compressor (http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/compressor/) to optimize JavaScript and CSS media for Django applications.

Other Solutions: http://code.google.com/p/django-compress/

What happens...

There are a lot of different places in a Django application that uses in Forms, Widgets, Templates, and wherever else you might put them. This is very powerful and gives developers a lot of flexibility in how they design their applications, but at the same time, it sucks... a lot (see Why Does it suck?).

What Media Masher does is it allows you to keep your JavaScript and CSS source code logically separated into different directories, files, and written in a readable manner. At server startup time, or during the first request (depending on how you set up Media Masher), all related files (see What are Related Files?) are optimized into a single file and put in your STATIC_ROOT. Media Masher also generates a unique name for each unique combination of files and keeps track so it doesn't regenerate the same thing more than once.

If you want your media optimization to happen at server startup time do something along these lines in your Django app's init.py file. :: from masher import site SCRIPT_ONE = site.mash(['%s/one.js' % JS_DIR, '%s/two.js' % JS_DIR, '%s/three.js' % JS_DIR])

STYLE_ONE = site.mash(['%s/one.css' % CSS_DIR,
                       '%s/two.css' % CSS_DIR,
                       '%s/three.css' % CSS_DIR])

You can then use the SCRIPT_ONE and STYLE_ONE variables in your forms, widgets or views.

If you want your media optimization to happen lazily (with the first request) then call site.mash(...) inside your forms, widgets or views.

NOTE: You can call site.mash any number of times, if the file names you pass to it are the same you'll always get back the same exact file name, and the optimization process will only happen once.

Why Does it suck?

Django Media Masher doesn't suck (it's awesome, I wrote it), but the problem is solves does!

All JavaScript and CSS should be optimized so it downloads quickly, however nobody wants to write optimized JavaScript or CSS because it is horribly unreadable and hard to maintain.

I don't want to have to remember to run all of my JavaScript and CSS through an optimizer every time I deploy, I don't want my CI environment to have those additional steps either, and I also don't want to have to maintain a copy of source code and optimized code, different file names or directories.

Finally, I don't want to have any server side processing for my static CSS and JavaScript files if I don't have to, that shouldn't be necessary.

What are Related Files?

Related files are a group of files that are used together, for either a form, or a widget or even a page.

For example, say you've got a page that requires some fancy widgets included in jQuery UI. You'll need jQuery, jQueryUI and your own javascript that uses them. With Media Masher you can combine these all into a single optimized file and cut down on HTTP requests. You can also optionally combine jQuery and jQueryUI into a single file and your code into a separate one. In the latter case, anyplace on your entire site that you want to use both jQuery and jQueryUI together they will all use the same optimized file.
