Home > django-oauthclient


Django-oauthclient is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.


Django OAuth Client Application

This application provides a simple way to setup a tree-legged OAuth authentication for django.

It has been originally created for the default client of Bison Vert <http://www.bisonvert.net>_.

The code is avalaible under a BSD licence.


On you django application, add oauthclient to the app list::

    # your already installed apps

Please, note that you need to use the django.contrib.site application, properly configured with your project default url. This is needed to redirect the user on you website once authenticated on the distant server.

Then, run syncdb, in order to create the tables that will store the token key and secrets you'll use for your application.::

$ python manage.py syncdb


Then, to set up you tokens and oauth providers, you can either go to the admin interface (if you have one), or use the oauthcreatetoken command, for instance::

$ python manage.py oauthcreatetoken
Token identifier: bisonvert
Token key: wsWLjVsSTPYd8H8xV8
Token secret: G64F6GNWfKV8kV2DTU66JkFSPKVhhTT9
Server URL: http://api.bisonvert.net 
Consumer Token and Server successfully configured

Please note that you need the oauth provider token key and secret, and a token identifier, that represents the associated OAuth provider. it have to match the one provided in urls (see below). Default is default.

Setting up the constants

In order to prevent cookie based problems between your client and server, please check that your PERSISTENT_SESSION_KEY settings are differents in both applications::

PERSISTENT_SESSION_KEY = 'unique persistant session key'


Now, you need to provide urls to access the oauthclient application, for your project. Here is a simple configuration, feel free to adapt to your needs::

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    # your already existing urls
    (r'^oauth/', include('oauthclient.urls', namespace='oauth',
            app_name='yourappoauth'), {'identifier': 'yourappname'}),