Home > django-patchboard


Django-patchboard is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

Various patterns using django signals

Short Term Queue



Optimized for completing within a request cycle. Better then spawning a new thread for each item, that might eat up all resources at once (mysql connections running out, spawning 500 processes, etc). Only optimal if allot of operations are to be done. Possibly reduce overhead by keeping everything in memory. Queue tasks have an enforced time limit (15 seconds?). Items in the queue expire if they are not retrieved in time (45 seconds, request time limit - task item limit). Tasks that take too long will be reported in a log. Items expiring while in the queue will be report in a log and possibly up the number of processes. If a certain number of items in the queue are at risk of expiring then possibly up the number of processes. Specify a fall back function in case of expiration. Would likely return None or raise an exception.

Circuit Breaker


Used to limit resource usage while a 3rd party is down. If X consecutive failures, open the circuit and use an exception on each call CircuitOpen. After a specified timeout, the circuit tests itself, if success, close the circuit. Unhandled exceptions count as a failure and are passed up.

A task may reschedule itself for a future date if the circuit is open. Listeners determine whether to use a circuit breaker, ideal if it is hitting the wire.

Signal Categories

Fire and Forget

Classic use of django signals

Two possible categories of listeners:

  • Want an immediate effect, no queue
  • May be put on a queue and completed outside of the request cycle

Listeners determine if they are to be queued or not



Fires a signal and collects the responses of all the listeners. May aggregate results, but is done on the side of the collector. Listeners may be queued, but may only use short term queue. Collector determines if listeners are to be queued. May detect the number of listeners and only default to short term queue if it is above a certain number.

Usefull for api integrations. Apps can simply listen to the signal and provide their input. The firing app simply collects and aggregates the results.

Signals with Side-Effects


Listeners may be sharing an object they are modifying. Needs to be prioritized to guarantee to order of the side effects. Using Queues is probably not a good idea in this scenario.

Error Collecting


When listeners have an unhandled exception we may not want the error to propigate up (usually depends on the listener). We do however want to log that error and return a default value.
