Home > django-readability-project


Django-readability-project is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

This is a skeleton app that includes views for basic OAuth authentication using the Readability API.

This is a skeleton project for a Readability webapp using the Django framework. It is quite basic and leaves a lot left to do.

Thank you to the many people who put useful snippets of Django/OAuth code online. I will soon try to put some links in here to the snippets and blog posts that helped the most.

The app works like this:

  • User goes to example.com/login and is taken to Readability's site to authorize or deny the webapp's access.
  • After the webapp has been authorized, the user is sent to the callback URL where an account for that user is created in the database.
  • A user profile is also created for the user, and the JSON for the last five bookmarks is inserted into "bookmarks" column of the profile.
  • The user is redirected to example.com/profile/username and the JSON for the last five bookmarks is displayed.
  • The user's last five bookmarks should now always be visible at example.com/profile/username

To get the app running, one must:

  • Update the callback URL, secret, and key in readability.py
  • Update database config in settings.py
  • Update static media config in settings.py
  • Create other views (such as the index view)

Other notes:

  • You probably would not want the fetching of Readability data to be a blocking call as is shown in this app. Instead, you might use an asynchronous task queue like Celery (http://ask.github.com/celery/getting-started/introduction.html).
  • You'll likely also want to implement some access control mechanisms so users can keep their profiles private.