Home > django-recurse


Django-recurse is a project mainly written in Python, based on the LGPL-3.0, GPL-3.0 licenses found.

Git mirror of the recurse template tag by Lucas Murray

This repository is a packaged version of the recurse Django template tag written by Lucas Murray.

Usage information according to http://www.undefinedfire.com/lab/recursion-django-templates/ is replicated below:

Most of the tags are self explanatory, the only one that may cause
confusion is the main {% recurse %} one. The format for this tag is
{% recurse [children] with [parent] as [child] %} where "[children]" is the
property that contains the children of the current element, "[parent]" is
your starting element and "[child]" is the variable named used in the loop.

Here is an example of how you can implement a category tree using this
template tag. As you can see it’s fairly simple and with a couple of
modifications can be used for just about anything.

    {% load recurse %}
    ... Headers and stuff ...
    {% recurse category.category_set.all with categories as category %}
        {% loop %}
            <h{{ level }}>{{ category.title }}</h{{ level }}>
            {% child %}
        {% endloop %}
    {% endrecurse %}
    ... The rest of the page ...