Home > django-rssmailer


Django-rssmailer is a project mainly written in Python, based on the BSD-3-Clause license.

RSS mailer watches for change on an RSS channel(s) and mails them to the predefined e-mail addresses (or passes them to any other consumer). It uses django-celery for asynchronous email sending.

RSS Mailer is a small django application for watching changes in channels in pretty much any format supported by FeedParser library and sending these changes by email. It uses django-celery for asynchronous messaging.

Configuration (settings.py)

rssmailer of course has to be present in INSTALLED_APPS

Celery setup

import djcelery

Celery does not autodetect tasks package, we have to manually specify each task file CELERY_IMPORTS = ( 'rssmailer.tasks.feeder', 'rssmailer.tasks.mail', )

For debugging purposes (rssmailer logs information about it's status mostly on INFO level): CELERYD_LOG_LEVEL = "INFO"

Broker setup (RabbitMQ)

This example uses RabbitMQ, but you can use anything that Celery supports. BROKER_HOST = "" BROKER_PORT = default 5672 BROKER_USER = "" BROKER_PASSWORD = "" BROKER_VHOST = ""

Periodic feed updates

update_feeds task should be regularly run. This example will run this task every 60 seconds. You can also use cron-like syntax, see Celery docs.

from datetime import timedelta

    "update-feeds": {
        "task": "rssmailer.tasks.feeder.update_feeds",
        "schedule": timedelta(seconds=60),

rssmailer-specific settings

Mandatory settings

RSSMAILER_FROM = "<email-address-appearing-in-From-header>"

Optional settings

How many recipients can be in one email. Problem is that we can possibly have a lot of email address in our database and SMTP server might not be able to cope with it if we sent them all in one email.


Which attributes should be considered for computing uniqueness-hash of the entry? RSS standard states that the only mandatory item in RSS <item> is <title> or <summary>. Therefore we can't rely solely on ID. RSSMAILER_UNIQUENESS = ['title', 'description', 'guid', 'updated']

Which task should consume new entries? It has to be a Celery task (annotated or inherited from Task) RSSMAILER_CONSUMER = "rssmailer.tasks.mail.send"

Entries in RSS feeds often change their content because of changes in their corresponding articles/posts/etc on site. This setting will avoid sending multiple changes if the change in the entry is not in it's id but for example in the summary or title. RSSMAILER_GUID_ONLY = True


  • use Bcc while sending one email to multiple recipients