Home > django-shpaml-template-loader


Django-shpaml-template-loader is a project mainly written in Python, based on the GPL-3.0 license.

Git mirror of https://bitbucket.org/jiaaro/django-shpaml-template-loader/overview

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The django shpaml template loader uses the official python shpaml implementation which can be found at http://shpaml.webfactional.com/

Note: the shpaml implementation from the above link is included for your convenience


Copy the "shpaml_loader" directory into your python path or run python setup.py install.


The loader wraps existing django template loaders, so any django template loader can be used to load shpaml templates.

Shpaml templates must use the file extension *.shpaml

Template Loaders

I am using filesystem, eggs, and app_directories for examples here but you can use any template loader provided by django


  • shpaml_loader.filesystem
  • shpaml_loader.eggs
  • shpaml_loader.app_directories

FOR DJANGO 1.1 and earlier:

  • shpaml_loader.filesystem_load_template_source
  • shpaml_loader.eggs_load_template_source
  • shpaml_loader.app_directories_load_template_source


Pick one of the template loaders and add it to your TEMPLATE_LOADERS setting in the settings.py file like so:

    # Using the django 1.2+ method in this example

The shpaml loader must be first or else the django loaders will take over.

In django 1.2 I've found that django template caching can yield some pretty nice performance gains, but it is inconvenien for development (because you have to keep clearing the cache).

Here is my reccommended approach:

    # whatever shpaml loader you want
        ...other template loaders

if not DEBUG:
        ('django.template.loaders.cached.Loader', TEMPLATE_LOADERS),

How Templates Are Located

There is a shpaml template loader for each built-in django template loader. The templates are located using the django template loader but pre-processed to convert the shpaml markup to HTML before being returned.

Templates are determined to be shpaml by file extension, so they have to be *.shpaml files or else they will not be processed.