Home > django-slides


Django-slides is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

A Django application that makes it easy to add, edit, and deploy slideshows using the Slides.js jQuery plugin

Django Slides

A Django application that makes it easy to add, edit, and deploy slideshows using the excellent Slides.js jQuery plugin by Nathan Searles.


  1. Download and place the 'slideshow' folder somewhere on your PYTHONPATH.
  2. Add slideshow to your INSTALLED_APPS under settings.py.
  3. To use a slideshow in another Django application, you can refer to the slideshow object as slideshow.Slideshow in your Django models.
  4. If you're not extending base.html, make sure you have jQuery 1.4.2+ and Slides 1.1.7+ in your templates somewhere. Use {% load slideshow_tags %} in whatever template you wish to use a slideshow in.


Create a slideshow in the Django admin panel by selecting desired effects and customizing slides as needed. Slides can be created with images and captions, or just pure text (formatted as HTML).

Use the slideshow in a template (after properly loading it) with:

`{% place_slides Slideshow %}`

Where Slideshow is some Slideshow object.


Buttons, frames, and pagination can be changed inside the static/img folder and CSS can be changed inside the static/css folder.

To-do List

  • Custom pagination
  • Better admin panel


Django Slides is licensed under the Apache license.
