Home > django-sms-broker


Django-sms-broker is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

A Django app for easy SMS notification service integration


Dead simple about

Integrate easily with any number of SMS service providers (often called 'brokers').

Supported (and customizable) workflow:


               sms: ABC.HELLO

USER PHONE -------------------> MNO (Mobile Network Operator) ------> BROKER


             notification: ABC.UNICORN
             from USER PHONE 1234
             sent to LA 567
 YOUR APP <--------------------- BROKER

3) YOUR APP runs any business logic on the received notification and returns success or 'I did not manage to fully handle the notification, please send me another one'.

               thank you!
 YOUR APP  ---------------------> BROKER

4) Purchase signal and handlers start to process the request and optionally send something back to the user.

            [SMS/WAPPUSH] http://abc.com?hash to 1234              forward to MNO
 YOUR APP  --------------------------------------------> BROKER --------------------> USER PHONE

5) User activates the mobile link on his device and your application finishes the purchase.

             [GET] http://abc.com?hash
YOUR APP <-------------------------------- USER PHONE


Please note that steps 4) and 5) are optional.

How to install

  1. Add 'sms' to INSTALLED_APPS

  2. Add 'sms.urls' to your urlconf

  3. Perform ./manage.py syncdb

  4. Implement ServiceProvider subclass (or inspect the example_provider.py)

  5. Configure ServiceProviderData model. DummyProvider configuration is shown below:

    ServiceProviderData(slug = 'dummy', name = 'Dummy', module = 'sms.DummyProvider').save()

  6. Run your application

  7. Add '567' Large Account via the admin interface (just for testing purposes).

  8. Test notification by navigating to:


What's missing

  • LargeAccounts should be optional
  • Data fixture for dummy setup
  • Improved docs (however, there are some in the source files)