Home > django-weathertracking


Django-weathertracking is a project mainly written in Python, based on the BSD-3-Clause license.

Get current conditions near you

Dependencies: GeoDjango and its dependencies (http://geodjango.org/docs/install.html) A suitable spatial database that supports distance lookup (http://geodjango.org/docs/db-api.html#id38) - right now that means only PostgreSQL / PostGIS and Oracle Metar - from http://homepage.mac.com/wtpollard/Software/FileSharing4.html DateUtil

Notes: You can without too much pain an suffering comment out the bits that require GeoDjango, but I personally will always be using those bits so my "official" distribution will include them.

To install / use:

  • Put the "weathertracking" directory somewhere on your $PYTHONPATH
  • Add 'weathertracking' to your INSTALLED_APPS, and run syncdb NOTE: Your database (if existing) will need the scripts mentioned in http://geodjango.org/docs/install.html#creating-a-spatial-database-template run against it for the models to work