Home > django-wpimport


Django-wpimport is a project mainly written in PYTHON and RUBY, based on the MIT license.

An utility app that helps you to create custom WordPress importer for your Django blog application.

Django WordPress importer

An utility app that helps you to create custom WordPress importer for your Django blog application.

Install instructions

To install run:


pip install -e git://github.com/zen4ever/django-wpimport.git#egg=django-wpimport

Then add wpimport to your INSTALLED_APPS:






Getting started

In your WordPress admin visit Tools > Export, and download export file.

Run following command


python manage.py wordpress_import -v 2 path_to_your_export_file.xml

This will parse your WXR file and print out resulting python data. It might also print out tags it couldn't match. If you want just see only unmatched tags output, but not the resulting data, run the command with a verbosity 1.

Now you can write your own custom importer and place it somewhere in your python path. Good place would be an importer.py file in your blog app.

This module should contain WordpressImporter class, inherited from wpimport.importer.BaseWordpressImporter. To access parsed data you should override handle_default method, something along the lines:


from wpimport.importer import BaseWordpressImporter

class WordpressImporter(BaseWordpressImporter):

  def handle_default(self, tag):
      result = super(WordpressImporter, self).handle_default(tag)

      # do something with the result

If you interested in just one type of data, you can define handle_post, handle_page or handle_attachments methods on your WordpressImporter class.

To use your custom importer just run:


python manage.py wordpress_import -v 2 --importer="parent_module.interpreter" path_to_your_export_file.xml

Replace "parent_module.interpreter" with a module which contains your WordpressImporter class.
