Home > dm816x-gstreamer


Dm816x-gstreamer is a project mainly written in C and SHELL, it's free.

Gstreamer support on EVM816x


  • The EZSDK is installed on the Linux host. The EZSDK can be downloaded from http://software-dl.ti.com/dsps/dsps_public_sw/ezsdk/latest/index_FDS.html


  1. Run this command on host machine to fix libz.la file provided with EZSDK % sed -i 's/installed=no/installed=yes/' /linux-devkit/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/usr/lib/libz.la

  2. Change to the top level "gstreamer_ti" directory, and open the file named "Makefile.common" in your favorite editor (vi, emacs, etc.). Set the following variables at the top of the file:

    DVSDK_INSTALL_DIR: Location of your EZSDK installation directory TARGET_ROOT_DIR: Location of the target filesystem's root directory on the Linux host machine. CROSS_COMPILER: Cross compiler being used. A default is chosen based on the platform you are building for, but you can set it explicitly to one of these values: CS_2009Q1: CodeSourcery v2009q1 GST_TI_PLATFORM: Set the platform variable (**)

** For DM816x/DM814x set GST_TI_PLATFORM=dm816x

  1. Export cross compiler location in your environment % export PATH=/arm-2009q1/bin:$PATH

  2. Use OMX package from git://github.com/bksingh/ezsdk-omx.git % git clone git://github.com/bksingh/ezsdk-omx.git

  3. Update OMX_INSTALL_DIR variable in EZSDK Rules.make to point to above OMX package installation directory.

  4. Build the EZSDK components using the above OMX package. % cd % make clean % make all

  5. Execute this command from the top-level "gstreamer_ti" directory to build gstreamer packages: % make all install VERBOSE=true

  6. Copy libOMX_Core.so from gstreamer_ti/ti_build/gst-openmax/ext/lib to /lib directory on target root filesystem.

  7. Copy dm816xbm_m3video.xem3 and dm816xbm_m3vpss.xem3 firmware binaries from OMX package to /usr/share/ti/ti-media-controller-utils directory on target root filesystem.

If you want less output during the build, you can omit the "VERBOSE=true" above.

By default, the GStreamer binaries will be installed to "/opt/gstreamer" on the target, and some demonstration scripts will be installed to "/opt/gstreamer_demo".



  1. For the first time, after target bootup login as a root on target and "ldconfig" command target# ldconfig

  2. Stop the matrix application launcher before running any gstreamer pipeline using the below command target# /etc/init.d/matrix-gui-e stop

There are some example pipelines present in /opt/gstreamer_demo/dm816x/example_pipeline.sh file. Also /usr/share/ti/data/videos contains some demo clips.
