Home > dmForumPlugin


DmForumPlugin is a project mainly written in PHP and JAVASCRIPT, based on the MIT license.

A simple forum plugin for Diem, based on sfSimpleForumPlugin and sfDoctrineForumPlugin



This plugin is far from finished! It still needs a lot of refactoring as most of the ported features have to be completely rewritten as Diem provides so many helpers and functionality so that most of the original sfForumPlugin and sfDoctrineForumPlugin features are superfluous.


This is a port of sfDoctrineForumPlugin for Diem


The prerequisites for using the dmForum plugin are the same as for any Diem plugin

Also you need to install the following Diem plugins:

  • dmTagPlugin


Install the plugin from the source you want (svn, git, etc ..)

Enabled it in ProjectConfiguration.class.php

class ProjectConfiguration extends sfProjectConfiguration
  public function setup()

Rebuild the model, generate the SQL code for the new tables, insert it into your database and load the included fixtures :

$ php symfony dm:setup --clear-db
$ php symfony doctrine:data-load

Clear the cache to enable the autoloading to find the new classes:

$ php symfony ccc

Enable the new dmForum module and the new dmForum helper in your application, via the settings.yml file.

Publish assets for the forum

$ php symfony plugin:publish-assets

If you use the default forum style comment out

echo $helper->renderArea('layout.right')

and change the width in web/theme/css/layout.css inside the class .dm_page_content to 750px for a good look.
