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Do_lectures_subs is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

Open subtitles and translations for the DO Lectures

DO Lectures subtitling and translation project

This is a first attempt to write a proper doc.


All the talks are by the Do Lectures and its respective speakers, as for the subs, I put those under an Attribution Share Alike Creative Common license

To sub a lecture:

  1. download Transcriptions

  2. download the lecture from the website

  3. one line per sub, timestamp at the end (check Maggie Doyne's talk)

  4. use txt2srt to convert it to srt file

    ruby txt2srt.rb maggie.txt > maggie.srt

  5. pull request


Unfortunately the code was not cared nor loved, it's just a dirty hack to get things done (tm).

Who Are You?

I'm Emanuel Carnevale and I'm @onigiri on Twitter
