Home > doc-wrangler


Doc-wrangler is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

Noodle with document cloud

""" Routines to wrangle document cloud projects into a local DocumentCollection and vice versa. Assumes a db model has been built with documents/models.py and manage.py sycndb-- and that there is a properly tagged 'project' of documents on document cloud that's been shared with the owner of the documentcloud credentials. Also assumes credentials are set in the settings.py file.

Rewritten as a bunch of commands to be run remotely via fabric.

Commands (can be run via fab): show_projects.py show_local_projects.py [-s searchterm] pull_project.py project_id pull_document.py document_id [project_id - default is none] push_project_url.py project_id publish_local.py project_id publish_now.py project_id unpublish_now.py project_id

