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Docs-for-n00bs is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

A cute little repository full of education

I wrote these docs for myself both to aid the learning process and to keep around for handy references. Why not share them?

How to use Git is a short introduction followed by a cheat-sheet style list of common Git commands and how to use them. Git (and other version control) tutorials can be overly confusing, so I've tried to reduce it down to a reasonable, easily-digestible amount of information.

Ruby for dummies is a compilation of terms and conventions gleaned from myriad Ruby books and refined via googling. As a novice, it can be difficult to communicate or understand what's going on in a language without a proper understanding of the assumed common vocabulary and knowledge. This doc serves as a handy cheat-sheet-type reference of Ruby's internal structure and some of its syntax.