Home > doDoctrineCollectionFormPlugin


DoDoctrineCollectionFormPlugin is a project mainly written in PHP, based on the MIT license.

This "plugin" allows you to embed and save doctrine (object) forms into a non object form.



This "plugin" is a simple form class. It allows you to embed and save doctrine (object) forms into a non object form. But why ? Because you can call the save() or bindAndSave() method on form embedding the object forms.


Install the plugin into your plugin directory (with a git clone or by downloding a tgz)

Enabled it in ProjectConfiguration.class.php

class ProjectConfiguration extends sfProjectConfiguration
  public function setup()


Your form must inherit from doDoctrineCollectionForm

class MealCommandCollectionForm extends DoctrineCollectionForm

  public function configure()

  $this->embedForm('firstObjectForm', new FirstObjectForm($myObject));
  $this->embedForm('secondObjectForm', new SecondObjectForm($my2Object));


That's all ! Your DoctrineCollectionForm is not bound to any object but you can call save() and bindAndSave() method on it, it will correctly save the embedded forms.
